Why It’s Not Too Late to Get Braces if You’re an Adult

Have you always wanted straight teeth but never got braces as a kid? Have your teeth started to shift and made you unhappy with their appearance? Whatever the reason, if you’re an adult considering orthodontic treatment, you’re not alone. According to IBISWorld, 25% of people who have braces are adults. The good news is, it’s not too late to transform your smile, no matter your age. Let’s take a look at why.

Appearance Isn’t Everything, But It Helps

Having straight teeth and a balanced smile can make you look more youthful and boost your self-confidence. When teeth protrude, overlap, or crowd each other, it can make anyone look older. Getting adult braces from an experienced orthodontist repositions teeth for better alignment. This can take years off your looks while also improving dental function. Who doesn’t want that?

Health Benefits Beyond Just Vanity

Sure, straight teeth look nice, but correcting bite issues provides health advantages too. Crooked teeth are harder to brush and floss thoroughly. This allows more plaque and tartar to accumulate, increasing decay and gum disease risks. Protruding front teeth are also prone to chipping and fracturing. After braces, it’s easier to keep teeth clean, and cracks are less likely to form. That means better long-term dental health.

Today’s Braces Are More Discreet

You probably picture shiny metal mouthfuls when thinking of orthodontic treatment. However, brackets have come a long way and tend to be smaller and more discreet now. Clear aligners are also popular options for adults. With custom-fit plastic trays that switch out weekly, Invisalign can shift teeth while being minimally visible. They’re removable for eating and brushing, too. Consult your orthodontist about which modern devices suit your lifestyle best.

Treatment Timelines Move Faster

One common myth is that braces take longer when you’re an adult. However, newer orthodontic practices include shorter, more efficient treatment plans. Issues like minor spacing or crowding often resolve rather quickly, after only six months to a year of braces. More complex cases take longer, usually one to three years, according to Healthline. However, some newer accelerated techniques use technology to reduce overall wear time.

There are so many reasons not to put off getting a straighter, healthier smile any longer. Cosmetic and medical advances now make braces more attainable and discreet than ever before. Book an appointment with an orthodontist today to discuss your options. You have nothing to lose except those teeth alignment frustrations you’ve lived with for too long. Call us today for a consultation at Mattioli Orthodontics.

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